Radical Wellness, Vol. 3
Hello, my name is „Radical Wellness“. I am a party hosted by the feminist collective F96. To me radical wellness in night life means making space for the underrepresented. I ask questions like: What does it mean to feel radically well in a club environment? How can I create a spa like experience for you and me?

This edition, my 3rd birthday, I am holding hands with BIPOC community members to launch something that needs attention: The garage will be home to a campaign against racism “Black People Are“. We invite you to come, to listen, to learn, to ask, to dance, play and get involved with a movement that needs all of us.

Soothing ear massages brought to you by:

Celine (Distressed Public)

ABIBA (Femme Bass Mafia)

Dangermami (Femme Bass Mafia)

Nive (Subject to Restrictions)


pr1nc1p3ss4 b2b apinti

Open Decks BIPOC* only



You got any questions, doubts or want to share your thoughts? Contact us!

And don't forget to follow us on Instagram